1. Confirm by Part Number:

Check the part number of the specific part you are looking for. This will help ensure that you purchase the correct part. Make sure the part number you have matches the one you need.

2. No Part Number?

If you do not have a part number, there are a few ways to identify the right parts:

- For components like turbochargers or water pumps, provide the model number and engine number along with pictures of your old parts. This will help the seller identify and confirm the correct part for you.

- Additionally, if possible, provide the model number along with its serial number. For example, if you need a turbocharger for a Komatsu PC200-5 Excavator Engine S6D95, provide the model "Komatsu PC200-5," engine "Engine S6D95," along with pictures of your old turbocharger from different angles. Providing the serial number can also be helpful.

- The more information you provide, such as model number, serial number, engine number, pictures, and size, the quicker and more accurate the confirmation process will be.

3. Tips for Buying Special Products:

- Engine Overhaul Rebuild Kit: When purchasing a kit for engine overhaul, it is important to confirm the type of piston required. Since the same engine could be used in various models with different piston types, an engine's serial number is usually required for confirmation. If you do not have the serial number, provide pictures showing different views of your old pistons.

- Travel Motor, Swing Motor, or Hydraulic Pump Assy: If you need parts or assemblies for these types of components, the nameplate on the assembly itself can provide valuable information to help identify the correct part.

Remember, if you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to Contact us. We will be available to help you throughout the process.

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